School Summer fetes are perfect for 9 holes of golf

We have had a busy spell of school fetes and fayres and what  fabulous weather we have been able to enjoy in the last few weeks – perfect weather for 9 holes of golf!

We used a classroom at a busy summer fete at a school in Cambridgeshire to build our 9 holes of golf and in 35 m2 space it was a transformation!  The children of Year 5 couldn’t believe what we had achieved in a compact space, and crazy golf proved a popular event during the afternoon.

Here are the before and after shots of the classroom:

9 holes of golf Before and After Classroom Shots
Earith Primary School Classroom - Before and After

Here are a few kind words from Catherine Berry, FOES Fete Organiser:

“We hired 9 hole of golf for our school summer fete, which provided something very different for us and was something we had not done before and was suitable for all ages across the school (Ages 4-11).
A huge thank you to Shelley! With inclement weather prior to setting up, the mini golf course had to go into one of the classrooms instead of being out on the playground.  Due to her “can do” attitude she made all 9 holes fit perfectly and the course was thoroughly enjoyed by the children.
It was so popular the Headteacher has already been in touch to book a mini golf course for the children’s special Golden Time Day at the end of the term.”
Here are a few shots of  the gunking of the Headteacher at the end of the fete! Well done Mr Quigley for being such a good sport!
Mr Quigley getting gunked at the end of the fete!
The Headteacher getting gunked at the end of the fete!
We look forward to helping Mr Quigley and the team in the last week of school.
If you have a charity event we can offer mini golf hire with – do let us know!


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