For those of you that are yet to see our latest competition, we are running a fun Micro Putt game on our website for the whole of the month of November, with the top 5 scores winning a fabulous Putt Returner each.

All you have to do is go to Putterfingers Micro Putt Game and you will come to this great little 4 hole game, but watch out it is very addictive! Each hole has its own par and with twisting corners and ledges for the ball to roll off of. Time is of the essence and will enhance your score if you can ‘ace’ each hole at speed!

Once you have played, please record your feedback score on Putterfingers Facebook Page, and of course give us a ‘like’ so we can track you down if you are the lucky winner!
The fastest completion time so far has been 39 seconds, a whole 20 seconds than my fastest score……….but this is a World Crazy Golfer and Mini Golf champion we are talking about – Richard Gottfried writer of The Ham and Egger Files Blog.
To add to the speed he has scored an ‘ace’ on every hole………………
For now the Putting_Queen needs to keep practising to catch those Professional Minigolfers up!
Check out our Facebook page to be in with a chance to win and please spread the word!