Par-tee food: our top ten mini golf recipes

As the Summer party season kicks off and outdoor mini golf becomes a thing again, we thought we’d throw out some catering ideas to keep your al fresco mini golf party swinging. Par-tee snacks are necessary on the mini golf course to keep spirits up and just celebrate life generally. Nobody should have to putt on an empty stomach. Don’t let hunger be an obstacle – there are enough of those already. So let’s get stuck in to the Putterfingers Top Ten snack list, by appointment to Her Majesty The Green.

Low Bounce Jelly

Par-tee food low bounce jelly

We sell low bounce jelly practice balls and they are great, but due to consumer protection laws and the Food Standards Agency we wouldn’t recommend eating them. So here is an alternative recipe from BBC Good Food:

Banana PARfait

Par-tee food banana parfait

If you put enough bananas in, and maybe a bit of food colouring, this one will match our yellow foam edge bumpers and is just the snack to help you putt out of your skin. It’s naughty but nice and will definitely help to keep your scores down and avoid too many slip-ups.

Bread and PUTTER Pudding

Par-tee food bread and butter pudding

The ultimate energy-giver, this classic uses up stale white bread and gives it a custardy, raisiny, nutmeggy, sugary, creamy, cinnamonny coating that raises it to a hole new level.

Surf ‘n’ Astroturf

par-tee food surf n turf minigolf food

Simply cook this, put it into tortilla shells and cover it in chopped rocket or parsley for that Astro turf look. Big golfers can also enjoy it because it contains LOBster.

The Bogie Hoagie

par-tee food minigolf bogie hoagie

After holing out in one over par, sink your gnashers into one of these to console yourself. This one would be ideal at Sandwich Mini Golf course.

Club Sandwich

par-tee food club sandwich mini golf

Instead of a cocktail stick or little wooden skewer to hold together this tower of punning deliciousness, use a golf tee.

Toad in the Hole

par-tee food toad in the hole mini golf

Most people know how to make this classic dish or knows someone who does, so no need for a recipe LINK here. Just make sure to BATTER your opponents into submission.

Tweed Jacket Potato

Par-tee food tweed jacket potato

The traditional prize for the British Adventure Golf Masters is a tweed jacket from a charity shop. Mirroring the even more famous Green Jacket from the ‘big golf’ Masters, it is the most coveted prize in mini golf. Why not have your own prize for the winner: a jacket potato cooked with the skin scored in a criss-cross pattern to make it come out looking like a tweed jacket?

Golf Ball Salad

par-tee food golf ball salad mozzarella

This one looks the part. Mini mozzarella balls drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar with garlic, basil and cherry tomatoes. That will fill a hole.

G and Tee

par-tee food g and tee mini golf

Here are ten different ways to make this classic cooling drink to calm your nerves out on the mini golf course.

Got any more suggestions for par-tee food, snacks and drinks? Send them to and we’ll share them on social media!

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