Locals rub clubs at pub grub hub

A little while back, we blogged about how pub minigolf could be the next big thing in leisure. Somebody must have heard us, because not long after that we had a call from The Hangout in Llandeilo asking to hire crazy golf for a crazy golf pub crawl. The Hangout is a vibrant venue that serves delicious healthy food and puts on a lot of events throughout the year for its regulars and their friends. The 9 hole mini golf tour started at The Hangout but nobody remembers where it finished, probably because there were drinks at each hole. We have no photographic evidence of the scene at the 9th hole, but we suspect that any reports of putting accuracy there are greatly exaggerated.
The Hangout’s patrons and their friends took the compulsory fancy dress rule and ran with it, most of them going for the PGA golfer from the 1980s look. With a drink served at every hole, it looks as if this photo was taken well into the round or after it. Or it could just be the euphoric effects of playing mini golf, which are well documented. Probably a mixture of the two. They also have Nerf gun wars and an Oktoberfest at the Hangout, which are two other reasons, if such were needed, to like this fun-loving town very much indeed.
We were more than happy to provide the mini golf equipment for their Pub Golf Day. It seems that the pub minigolf format works well for a bunch of fun-oriented folks like the residents of Llandeilo.
The Pub Golf Day was part of the Llandeilo Festival of the Senses | G?yl y Synhwyrau, a three-day binge of music, food, comedy and sport throughout the town.
Most towns have at least one festival of food, music, arts or other things. A mini golf pub crawl can add extra fun to town festivals everywhere. For hire details, call Shelley on 08450 570321, visit our pubs & hotels page or drop us an email.