Funny short film conveys minigolfers’ frustration

Films about minigolf are few and far between, if you discount the big hitters like Happy Gilmore. We blogged about minigolf films a while back – check out that post here. More recently, a crowdfunded feature film has emerged called Through The Windmill that premiered at the Savannah Film Festival, but it has met with mixed reviews. However, we have stumbled across a tiny, two-minute animated short film that brilliantly conveys – and exaggerates – the frustration ordinary minigolfers go through on a daily basis. It was made by a Paris-based collective of film students called Megacomputeur who specialise in animated shorts. In terms of ‘plot’, Play Off somewhat resembles the Mr Bean episode in which Rowan Atkinson gets himself in a pickle at a municipal crazy golf course. The idea of a grown man competing with a child and desperately trying to win is present in both. But rather than ending up on a bus, the animated protagonist’s ball ends up defying the laws of physics as he munches a sandwich at the end, resigned to his fate of never holing out.

Putterfingers putting cups are a bit more forgiving than the ones in Play Off. One of our most popular ones has hinged side plates that let the ball roll in, but don’t let it roll back out. The protagonist of Play Off would have appreciated these, but he would still have missed somehow because the minigolf gods were just not with him him that day.
Our astro grass putting surface gives a smooth roll and small items like the little stone that frustrates our animated friend will sit beneath the astro grass surface and not impede the ball.
So here’s the short film. How unlucky is this bloke?