Here at, we don’t only provide portable mini golf and crazy golf courses and equipment for hire or to buy!
We also have a range of Putting and Golf Training Aids. For that reason, we thought we’d offer some insights into how any golfer (normal golf or mini golf) can improve his or her putting skills.
There are many ways to improve your putting and hundreds of products that you can buy in Pro shops and from the internet that claim to dramatically improve your performance on the greens. I am not in any position to say which of these products or methodologies may or may not work, which ones are a sensible investment and which ones are a complete waste of money. What I can do is speak from my own experience!
If a golf course has a par of seventy two it is envisaged that fifty percent of those strokes will be performed on the putting green. The other fifty percent of the shots will be shared out amongst the other clubs in your bag. It makes sense, then, to spend a great deal of time practising and perfecting your putting to try and reduce your score.

Practice Tips
There are a few easy tips that every golfer should take heed of when they come to trying to put the ball in the cup:
You are never going to succeed on the green if you are tense and frustrated. Remember, every hole is different, every green is different and every putt is different. Take each one as it comes. Golf should be fun!
There can be many distractions on a putting green. Some you can do something about and others you will just have to put up with. The more you can practise shutting out the world when you are addressing a putt the easier you will find it.
Be disciplined
Routine is always helpful when you are putting. Sit down at home and make a list of all the things you need to do before sending the ball on its way and then make sure you do everything on the list every time you putt. You might include things like: try and read the slopes and speed of the green; mark your ball, turn it so that the words on the ball are pointing towards where you want to hit the ball then replace it on the green; run through a couple of practice putts etc, etc.
No matter what anyone says, the old adage “practice makes perfect” is never more appropriate than when it comes to putting. As has already been said, you hit more shots with your putter during a round of golf than any other club in your bag.
When it comes to practice there are no end of things that you should consider. Some of these, but certainly not all of them, are: back swing, follow through, positioning of the ball in your stance, speed of swing, grip, head positioning, feet positioning etc.
If you watch professional golfers when they are putting you will see that there are many different styles of putting stroke and putter. You need to practise with a number of variables like these to find your perfect set up. Don’t get frustrated if, after six months continual play, your putting is not improving. You may need to tweak your set up to find ways to lower the number of putts you are taking.
Of course, having said that practice is vital to your putting it is not always easy to get to a practice green very often. Luckily, a lot of the things that have been mentioned above can be done in the comfort of your own home or, if you have one, your private office. can supply you with your own indoor putting surface that you can set up and take down whenever you have the opportunity to practise with your putter. They can supply anything from a two meter to a ten meter long “green” so that you can vary your practice shots and become a better putter, a better golfer and hopefully, a happier golfer!