C4’s Lego Masters build a minigolf course!

The stars seem to have aligned this week for a combination of two of our favourite things: minigolf and Lego. Three unrelated events involving minigolf and Lego have made us wonder why the world has waited so long to realise that it’s a perfect combination!

1. We posted a photo of a minigolf hole we’ve made out of Megabricks. These are not Lego but fit together in a similar way to build structures. Megabricks are giant plastic blocks – like breeze blocks – that are colourful, fun, strong and can build almost anything. Because we’re Putterfingers, we naturally built a few minigolf holes. Here’s one of them.

Megabricks lego crazy golf hole

Looks great, doesn’t it? When we posted it online, the reaction was ‘Wow, that’s new!’ We haven’t put Megabricks minigolf on our site yet, but get in touch with us if you are interested in hiring or buying a blocky and colourful minigolf set that’s really different!

2. On Channel 4’s Lego Masters last night, one of the challenges was to build a crazy golf course out of Lego. With our Megabricks it doesn’t take long because each brick is big. But with little Lego bricks it must have taken them ages. They had to make moving obstacles with motorised parts, and the hole had to be playable. Quite a challenge.

If you don’t know what Lego Masters is, it’s a show with a similar format to MasteChef and others where contestants compete to produce the best creation for a panel of judges in a limited time. The fact that they chose minigolf as a challenge for the builders goes to show how popular minigolf is at the moment!

The show will be on Channel 4 On Demand for 60 days after this post’s publication.

3. LegoLand Florida are building a minigolf course! The blocky U.S. attraction has filed plans for a 10,000 square foot minigolf area as part of its expansion to include areas dedicated to the Lego Movie franchise.

Lego Land Florida to build minigolf course

It seems the world has gone Lego minigolf mad, just after Putterfingers had the idea of tinkering with plastic bricks to make minigolf holes and published photos on social media. Maybe – just maybe – somebody at C4 and LegoLand Florida was watching!


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