Let’s have a little sing-song to the tune of ‘Football’s Coming Home’ …
Why the daft song? Because THIS is coming soon to Putterfingers: [Update 09 May 2018: it’s here!]
Yes, it’s footpool – the blend of soccer and pool that is taking the nation by storm. And it’s available very soon from Putterfingers. Our version has ‘spots and stripes’ balls, just like the pool played in pubs. But the difference is, this pool table is 14 feet long and you play with your feet. There’s no learning curve at all to get playing, but it takes a bit of skill to build a break and pot the black.
The playing surface is ‘grippy’ and non-slip for safety, and the balls are low-bounce futsal balls designed to stay in play on this table. All the physics of pool are there – bounce and spin work like they do on a pool table. But you won’t need any chalk and there’s no offside rule. Everybody reckons they’ve got a bit of footy skill, which makes this game a compulsive winner at events, weddings and parties because pretty much everyone wants to have a go as soon as they see it.
A typical game is fairly short, which means guests don’t spend too long waiting for their turn. The cushions are wide enough to stand on to take a shot when the ball is tight against them, which we think is a good feature.
We deliver a table to you and set it up, so all you need to do is hire it, tell us the date, and let your guests have fun playing footpool!
We reckon it’s nearly as much fun as minigolf, which coming from us is really saying something.

We’ve already got the equipment and we’re going to add it to our website soon – but footpool is available to hire now! Call us for all the details if you are planning an event or wedding party (indoors or outdoors). 08450 570321
Or request footpool hire details from us at office@connectedshopping.com