Mini golf for mental health

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Mental Health Awareness Week is an important initiative that aims to raise awareness about mental health and promote mental well-being. While mini golf may not be directly associated with Mental Health Awareness Week, there are certainly benefits of mini golf on improving mental health.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 has an important theme: anxiety. It’s all about raising awareness and understanding around anxiety, which is actually a normal emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. But sometimes, it can become a mental health issue, and that’s what the Mental Health Foundation want to shed light on.

This year, the Mental Health Foundation are encouraging people to hop on social media and share their own personal strategies for dealing with anxiety. Whether it’s breathing exercises, journaling, or seeking support from loved ones. Just use the hashtag #ToHelpMyAnxiety when you share your experiences.

If you’re looking for more information, stories, or support, make sure to check out the Mental Health Foundation website. They’ve got some great resources that can help you navigate anxiety and provide the support you need. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey!

Ways mini golf may help reduce anxiety

Mini golf at University of Hertfordshire
University of Hertfordshire photography by Pete Stevens

Playing mini golf can actually be a great way to have fun and reduce anxiety. It works in a few different ways:

  • 1. Mini golf provides a distraction

Mini golf serves as a fantastic distraction that focuses your attention on the game and the physical movements required. This diversion takes your mind off anxious thoughts and promotes relaxation.

  • 2. Involves physical activity

Playing mini golf involves gentle physical activity, such as walking, swinging a putter, and bending to pick up the ball. This type of exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood boosters. So, not only are you having a great time, but you’re also getting some exercise, which can help alleviate anxiety and improve your overall well-being.

  • 3. A way to socialise

Another advantage is the social aspect of mini golf. It’s often played with friends or family, allowing you to chat, share laughter, and engage in friendly competition. This social interaction helps reduce feelings of loneliness and anxiety. Sometimes, a bit of socializing is all you need to take your mind off things.

  • 4. Be present

What’s interesting is that playing mini golf requires you to be present and focused. You need to concentrate on the game, pay attention to the details, and stay in the moment. It’s like a mini mindfulness exercise! Mindfulness has been proven to reduce anxiety and create a sense of calm. So, as you navigate the course, you’re giving your mind a break from anxious thoughts.

  • 5. Sense of achievement

And let’s not forget the satisfaction that comes from achieving mini golf goals. Completing a hole or improving your score feels fantastic! It’s like a small victory that boosts your self-confidence and helps reduce anxiety. Plus, mini golf is simply enjoyable! The light-heartedness and fun of the game can generate positive emotions and divert your attention from stressors you may be facing.

  • 6. Connect with nature

Furthermore, many mini golf courses are situated in beautiful outdoor locations, allowing you to immerse yourself in the scenery, surrounded by greenery and fresh air. Being in nature has a proven positive impact on mental well-being, lowering stress levels and promoting relaxation, thereby alleviating anxiety.

Try Mini Golf

Themed mini golf hire

If you’re seeking a fun and anxiety-reducing activity, consider giving mini golf a try. It’s an excellent way to relax, engage in light exercise, socialize, practice mindfulness, experience small victories, and enjoy the outdoors. Take a look at the Ham and Egger Files blog for mini golf courses near you.

If you are looking to host an event that supports mental health charities and organisations, then why not considering hosting a mini golf tournament as a fundraiser, or use mini golf as a fun and accessible activity that can help individuals unwind and relieve stress?

Get in touch

Contact the Putterfingers team for more information on mini golf hire and purchase.

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