After a decade and a half of purveying reasonably-priced mini golf equipment to the nation, are now launching an audacious plan to actually PLAY mini golf, and maybe even get any good at it.
We are excited to announce a bold new era for – one in which we wield putters in anger as a competitive team!

Earlier this week this press release announced our intention to field a pro mini golf team on the tournament circuit. The main suspects are staff Alf, John, Stuart, Richard, Sam and David. In this image, Laura is standing in for Richard who couldn’t make it in time to get the photo taken.
We are already booked into the Sussex Wasps Open in August and having team practice sessions. The aim is not to win but to get better at playing mini golf, have a good time and meet other mini golf addicts. Despite all our experience with selling mini golf equipment, we are not used to playing competitive tournaments. So to be honest our goal is not to come last. If we do, we will have had fun along the way and will only cry a little bit.
We are also sponsoring a prize in this tournament, which has led to the organisers kindly calling the event ‘The Sussex Wasps Open V’. We are offering a prize for the Lucky Last hole, with the winner receiving a voucher code to redeem a discount on
Two weeks after the Sussex Wasps Open, we will be facing the best of the best at the World Crazies. will field a team of 3 players in the team event on Friday the 10th of September, and a handful of us will carry on as individuals on the Saturday in the Novice Event. This is the World Crazy Golf Championships at Hastings seafront, an event seen as the flagship tournament in the mini golf calendar. and we have never played in a competitive tournament.
Follow our team’s exploits on this blog as the tournament season progresses. Ideally we will be gallant losers that everyone loves, like Eddie the Eagle.
Wish us luck!