Last week we blogged about having formed a pro team and entering tournaments on the mini golf calendar. True to our word, our six team members herded into a minibus last Sunday and descended on Peterborough for the Putterfingers.com Sussex Wasps Open 2021. We were honoured to be attending an event that bore our name and were made to feel most welcome by event organiser Steve Lovell and all the other players.
It was a warmish if overcast day at Dobbies Garden Centre, the course was interesting and varied, the company was good, and all was well with the world. The Putterfingers.com team found the other more experienced players very helpful – not only because they went first to show us the best line to take on each hole, but also thanks to their kindness in explaining one or two obscure rules and giving us tips on stance and shot technique. We felt welcomed by our fellow mini golfers and enjoyed the camaraderie of four rounds with other like-minded people on a Sunday in Cambridgeshire.
See the official results on the BMGA website. As expected our scores were poor because we were novices and this was our first ever competitive mini golf event. We were a million miles or more accurately, ten or twelve shots per round away from your Popes, Lovells and Kukielkas at the top of the scoreboard. As those top players slugged it out for a place in the top three, we slogged it out at the bottom to avoid coming last (That honour went to Sam. It’s all right. He only cried a little bit).

The scores really didn’t matter, though. The main takeaway from this, our first mini golf tournament, was a feeling of gratitude to Steve Lovell and Sussex Wasps for organising the event and being so nice about it. It was also great to meet so many avid mini golfers and watch and listen as we learned the ropes. Our toes are now firmly dipped into the world of competitive mini golf and we are hungry for more!
The prize for winning at the Lucky Last Hole (a £50 Putterfingers.com voucher) went to Rhiannon Davison from the Welsh Minigolf Club and she got a giant presentation cheque for her win!

Special thanks go to mini golf supremos Richard and Emily Gottfried for treating us to a pre-tournament Zoom call filled with tips and tricks, an introduction to mini golf lore and customs, some sound advice for the mini golf course and much goodwill and encouragement. Thank you Richard and Emily!

Next weekend Team Putterfingers.com face the World Crazies at Hastings! What could possibly go wrong?
Meanwhile, for all your mini golf equipment, gifts and fun, visit Putterfingers.com!