A day in the life of a portable crazy golf course operator

Darren Moss purchased a Pro Course in February 2010 and hires the portable crazy golf course to local Primary Schools for use in clubs at lunch time,  after school and out of school holiday clubs.  Darren and his team are based in Wrexham in the North East of the UK.  Darren and Mike are both from professional football backgrounds and coach football and other sports in schools, along with teaching the basics of golf in their local area.

CrazyGolf2Go also hire their crazy golf course to many local events including Wedding Fayres, Weddings, Healthy Eating days, School Fetes, Fundraising events, Birthday Parties, Residential Care Homes and Weddings.

Darren of CrazyGolf2Go uses a concept called  Golf @ Skool to help children participate in golf and the schools he has worked with have indicated the clear benefits.  The children have gained new co-ordination and physical skills, took part in a rewarding and fun experience whilst keeping fit and active and the group has improved in confidence and team work.

Portable Crazy Golf
Portable Crazy Golf enjoyed by school children in Wales. Image courtesy by CrazyGolf2Go.

We asked Darren a few questions about our portable crazy golf course in a short interview:

What is your most popular event? After school clubs.

What is the profile of your crazy golf players? Mostly children in Schools but ranges to older players in residential care homes and also wheelchair users, so it appeals to a very wide range of players.

What is the most unusual place that you have set up the crazy golf course? A hire in a back garden with each of the 9 holes covered in individual gazebos!

How long does it take to set up at an event? All depends on how many holes, the 9 holes takes only 30 minutes.

What is your favourite hole layout? The T shape hole with 2 different obstacles involved is a good challenge.

What is the best thing about the portable crazy golf course? Easy to set up, can be placed anywhere, anyone can play and most of all its great fun!

What is your best score on the 9 holes? 18 (Darren we expected some hole-in-ones!)

How would you best describe the features of the crazy golf course to somebody considering purchasing a course?  A great investment with a variety of obstacles and challenges for a 9 hole golf course. Highly portable and easy to manage in a small van. It can be hired out from 1 hole up to 9 holes so is so versatile and meets clients needs.

CrazyGolf2Go also purchased their own set of Soft Golf obstacles which were made to suit the needs of their links into Primary schools.

Soft Golf can be made into any custom design and we worked with Darren to design a range of vinyl covered foam shapes linked to the National School Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage.  Promoting the Welsh language, the Welsh and English translations have been added with vibrant pictures to help the children, along with an oversized putting hole to aim through!

Soft Golf Obstacles made in a bespoke design of Sea Creatures, including English and Welsh language for use in schools and nurseries. Image courtesy of CrazyGolf2Go.

Our Soft Golf range is perfectly suited for children’s play areas, soft play centres, nurseries, pre-schools, farm attractions, community play schemes and just about anywhere children can enjoy the excitement of Soft Golf.

We asked Darren how well the foam obstacles were received and from the children to adults, Darren has had fantastic feedback.  He commented that it works great in their 6 week coaching pack and with subjects linked to the school curriculum, this helps with the fun element of learning and engagement.

Would you like to hire your own portable crazy golf course or use Soft Golf obstacles on your existing mini golf or crazy golf course?

Get in touch at office@connectedshopping.com


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