We know Tim ‘Ace Man’ Davies well – we entered a Putterfingers team once in the British Minigolf Open, where he soundly thrashed all off us… Tim is a very well known figure on the UK’s Mini Golf / Crazy Golf scene. Some of his YouTube videos are great!
So, it’s interesting to note that he and a similarly well known UK mini golfer (Richard ‘Squire’ Gottfried) have joined foreces to launch the ‘Crazy Golf Museum’.

Here’s the blurb from their new wesbite:
Two of the premier miniature golfers in the UK have joined forces to create The Crazy Golf Museum. Tim ‘Ace Man’ Davies and Richard ‘Squire’ Gottfried run the most visited websites and blogs on the subject. We thought it only natural to bring together all the information we have gathered over the years to create the World’s First Virtual Crazy Golf Museum. A Worldwide archive of miniature golf memories, histories and ephemera.
Anyone with even a passing interest in mini golf or crazy golf should be sure to check out some of their links:
http://www.crazygolfmuseum.info/ (the Crazy Golf Museum itself)
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=102800783109171 (their FaceBook page)