Putterfingers provided the mini golf fun last weekend for a company lunch party at High Lodge, a country park in Thetford Forest, Suffolk. Space was limited by the venue, with a maximum of 100 square metres allowed to be occupied by any one group of people. So we provided a compact course of four holes which easily fit into that space along with a drinks tent and mingling space.
This is a good example of how flexible Putterfingers mini golf courses can be. They can be any size and fit into virtually any space, and fit around other structures if necessary. That is because the courses are modular: they consist of interlocking Astro grass tiles that can be fitted together into a wide variety of shapes: long, short, wide, narrow or a mixture of all of these.

We thought the yellow foam edge bumpers looked good out in the forest. Green ones might have got lost against the green grass and trees, blue would have clashed, and red wouldn’t have suited. Putterfingers customers can choose between those four edge bumper colours to help the mini golf course fit in with the surroundings or décor of the venue.
No electricity is required for a Putterfingers mini golf course. The only exception is the White Wedding course where optional LED lighting can be installed in the centrepiece Chapel obstacle to illuminate the windows. Even those are battery powered, though, so there is nowhere a Putterfringers mini golf course can’t go (except perhaps underwater).
We also provided the add-on attraction of three of our face-in-hole boards, which you can see in the photos. We have a variety of these available and we can make bespoke ones to order as well. But on this occasion a set of our standard beach-themed face-in-hole boards were used, depicting traditional seaside themes.

The obstacles on the mini golf course were also seaside-themed and we thought the overall effect was nice and cheerful with the Beach Hut, Lighthouse, Tropical Beach and Sandcastle obstacles.

To complete the fun we added some outdoor games so that people could try their hand at a variety of different things. This time the games were a personalised ping pong table and a giant Jenga set. This mix looked good in the forest and made sure that people of all ages could enjoy the day.

Planning an office party (indoors or outdoors)? Get in touch with Putterfingers today!
01842 337 100