We may have been a bit quiet on the blog in the last week but we thought we would share some mini golf pictures of a recent activity at Sheffield Hallam University.

We were contacted back in 2013 by Josh Saydraouten who is the Sports Officer at Hallam Union. Josh is fortunate enough to be in Sochi at the Winter Olympics doing some reporting – lucky fella!
Hallam Union planned a Get Active Week during 17th-23rd February 2014 to encourage students to try something new, have fun and take a step towards a more active lifestyle, whatever level of fitness. And yes Mini Golf is understood to improve your fitness levels, even if just a gentle 9 hole round!
A range of fun, free activities were provided each day – all the students had to do was turn up and play. These activities ranged from ice skating, table tennis, wall climbing, glow in the dark badminton, and of course mini golf.
Here are some of the best mini golf pictures from the two days:

The life of a student! The pub is the background would have come in handy for another type of round! Nonetheless the feedback has been great and complemented the activities put on during the week.
Get Active Week and Healthy Week are common events in Universities. As annual events the aim is to deliver the wellbeing support services on offer by the University staff. It is also an opportunity to raise wellbeing awareness to support healthy lifestyles for students.
If you have a sport focussed event coming up where mini golf could become part of your event activities, please do get in touch.