I stumbled across this article on ‘how to win at mini golf’ and felt that with the beautiful weather expected this weekend, this is a perfect time to promote this fun activity.
From kitschy themed courses to professional putt-putt tournaments, miniature golf is big again. Whether you are looking for family fun, seeking to impress a date or honing your skills for international competition, follow these tips to win at miniature golf.
1. Practice your putts. No matter how many windmills and waterfalls they throw at you, miniature golf is really just a series of putting greens. Grip the putter securely, and swing from the shoulders, not the wrists. Don’t shift your feet, and keep the putter face square.
2. Walk the course. Become familiar with the obstacles and tricks if you’re playing adventure-style golf, and the layout of the holes if it’s a more traditional putt-putt course. Your miniature golf score card may give you an overview of the course, along with the par for each hole.
3. Focus on the hole. Tune out distractions like revolving wickets and fire breathing dragons by maintaining a Zen-like concentration. Winning at miniature golf can also mean overcoming off-course distractions like mosquitoes (a hazard of night play) and summer thunderstorms, and navigating unplanned obstacles like wandering toddlers, spilled ice cream cones and the occasional squirrel.
4. Save strokes. To stay on or below par, avoid hitting too hard (it’s putting, not the long game). Look for direct-route alternatives which skip the castle drawbridge or water hazard; they’re usually hidden in little-noticed corners. Bank putts off bumpers and other obstacles and check your second-shot lie from both sides of the hole to choose the best angle.
5. Take your game to the next level. Once you’ve amazed your family and friends, and allowed your minigolfing buddies to buy you a round of root beers at the snack bar, it may be time to think about hitting the tour or turning pro. The World Minigolf Sport Foundation runs competitions like the British Open International Minigolf Tournament, the US ProMiniGolf Tour sponsors its own Masters and for more serious putt-putters there’s the Professional Putters Association.

Tips & Warnings
If you’re playing with kids, help the youngest player win. That’ll make you a winner in your family’s eyes.
You can win at miniature golf in the virtual world, too. Minigolf games are available for most popular video game systems, including the Nintendo Wii. Play miniature golf online and even on your cell phone.
Courtesy of eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2066894_win-miniature-golf.html#ixzz1ZQpyD9hF
So for some mini golf / crazy golf practice – call us here at Putterfingers to make your booking 0845 570321.