2017 has only just begun. There hasn’t been any proper snow yet, but there is a flurry of minigolf news. The first Irish minigolf Open will happen this year, a new course is planned in Nottinghamshire, and Liverpool’s Baltic Triangle is fast becoming the hippest place in the UK after the opening of Ghetto Golf.
The Inaugural Irish Minigolf Open
The weekend of the 18th and 19th of February will see the first ever Irish Minigolf Open take place at Rainforest Adventure Golf in Dundrum Town Centre, Dublin. It will be the first World Minigolf Sport Federation (WMF) sanctioned competition in the Republic of Ireland and some top players from across Europe are expected to be there to play 8 rounds over two days for prize money. There will also be a tournament for local players with some prize money involved.
Sean Homer, President of the BMGA, said, ‘The course will provide a brilliant venue and challenge for all the players who take part and we will see some top class Minigolf over the weekend in February. I am sure that the generous prize fund and hospitality that Dublin has to offer will appeal to players from across Europe and that, along with a sizable field of local players adds up to what promises to be a superb weekend in Ireland.’
Registrations are open at €40 for international players and €20 for Irish players. Online registration can be done here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/irish-minigolf-open-2017-registration-29403079402
New dinosaur-themed course in Nottingham?
Apart from dinosaur eggs and T-Rex bones, another obstacle for a new adventure golf course planned at the Riverside Golf Centre is Nottingham Council planning permission. If given the green light, the outdoor Jurassic-themed course will be added to the existing golf course, driving range, short course and footgolf facilities. (Footgolf is golf with a football and, obviously, a bigger hole, and it’s really catching on).
Owner of Riverside Golf Centre Declan Malone says, ‘This will be a new adventure golf facility similar to crazy golf or pitch and putt … it will be an outdoor facility similar to what Trent Lock Golf Centre and Ramsdale Park Golf Centre have developed.’
We’ll keep you updated on developments.
Liverpool’s Baltic Triangle officially very hip indeed
We’ve blogged before about Ghetto Golf, the new crazy golf experience in Liverpool. The Liverpool Echo reckons it is one of the top reasons why the Baltic Triangle is one of the hippest places in the UK at the moment. If this photo is anything to go by, they are right.

For all your minigolf equipment and minigolf hire needs, visit putterfingers.co.uk