Have you got your Christmas shopping under way yet?
Here is a reminder of how quick time is flying by. This image came into my inbox this morning and serves as a polite kick up the behind to get organised!
Don’t forget we have some Keep Calm and Play Golf merchandise available in our online shop.
How about a Play Golf Mug and Coaster set for your loved one?

We are thinking about introducing these into our online store in the New Year – would you be interested in buying one?

The rebirth of Keep Calm and Carry On was in 2000. Based in Northumberland, Stuart Manley of Barter Books Ltd. was sorting through a box of used books bought at auction when he uncovered one of the original “Keep Calm and Carry On” posters.
He and his wife framed it and hung it up by the cash register. It attracted so much interest that they began to produce and sell copies.
The rest is history! A piece of quintessential British nostalgia has morphed into a worldwide phenomenon.
What would you like to see Keep Calm and ………………….?
Stop by our Facebook page and jot down your thoughts?
The team at the office came up with the following:
Keep Calm and Ace that Dogleg
Keep Calm and Hole in One
Keep Calm and don’t Air Shot!