The mini golf obstacles used on our portable crazy golf course have been recently awarded a recognised quality label in Germany. The quality label is the result of years of research and practical experience in the basic issues of physical activity in children.
The research was carried out by The University in Würzburg and the mini golf obstacle range passed the high standards associated with the sign of Movement and Innovation.
The obstacles were granted this label of quality they passed rigorous tests and are seen to be beneficial to the active and physical development of children of all ages.
Both big and little kids in our experience!
Having used the plastic moulded obstacle pieces for some years for our portable crazy golf courses here in the UK, we are fully aware of the benefits:
- wipe clean toughened ABS plastic
- suitable for all terrain (indoors and outdoors)
- indestructible
- weather resistant
- UV protected
- packaged in its own carry bag and only £199+VAT

My Mini Golf is based on a play anywhere game of minigolf. The complete My Mini Golf set offers a range of challenging obstacle pieces that can be used, with or without our modular mini golf courses.
Now available as an ‘Extras‘ set – the four most popular pieces in the set – Loop the Loop 360, Bridge, Daytona and Warm Up. The main feature of these is they can be used on existing courses where the holes are built into the course or putting green.
Take My Mini Golf with you to the park, to visit friends or just have in the garage to play 9 holes in the garden whenever you fancy.