Celebrated National Miniature Golf Days in 2015

It is almost time for the National Miniature Golf Day in the US. This is celebrated on Saturday 9th May.  This is usually the second Saturday in May each year.

This day is usually celebrated separately from the National Miniature Golf Day on Saturday 21st September which is celebrated worldwide.

Last year National Miniature Golf Day fell on the same day as National Windmill Day and it looks to be the same again this year. National Windmill Day is to celebrate the windmills as an icon for tourism in the Netherlands.  So it does seem apt to celebrate National Miniature Golf Day and National Windmill Day on the same day!

For those of you new to miniature golf, this popular pastime is an offshoot of the sport of golf, and is played on a course consisting of a series of holes similar to it parent, but shorter in length (usually 10 yards).  The surface either consist of the use of artificial surfaces such as carpet, astroturf and astro grass along with concrete or edged paving.  The course is often a geometric layout often requiring non-traditional putting lines and artificial obstacles such as bridges, tunnels, ramps and moving obstacles such as windmills.

In and around the world, miniature golf may also be known as mini golf, crazy golf, midget golf, goofy golf, shorties, extreme golf, adventure golf, mini putt or putt-putt.

There will be another celebration on Sunday May 3rd 2015 which was brought to our attention by Richard Gottfried, which will be celebrated in Austria called Minigolf Tag  This day is where approximately  550,000 Austrians play mini golf on the day to celebrate the game they deem one of the most popular recreational sports in their country.

Across the World there are 38,000 registered players who participate in a number of tournaments.  These players can choose from over 2,000 types of mini golf balls with different properties to suit the style of hole played.  We captured a taste of this in a little competition on our Facebook page which had an image of a British tournament player’s mini golf bag – there were a load of minigolf balls to choose from!

A variety of mini golf balls are available for tournament players
Minigolf balls can come in a variety of different colours, weights and sizes.

Over the last 70 years there have been some 10,000 different types of balls produced with different sizing, hardness, bounce and weight.

If you are looking to  buy mini golf accessories to restock your course, please view our website.


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