Over the month of November, Mini Golf fanatics have been battling out for a top 5 score on this fun desktop Micro Putt game. Using your mouse or keypad, the main aim of the game is to putt into the 5 holes in the fastest time and with as many aces / hole-in-ones – highly addictive and a fine little desktop game to enjoy in your lunch hour (like many of our players did!)

Our top scorer over the month was James ‘The Rocket’ Rutherford with 2,868 points. With the highest score available an amazing 2900 points, even professional mini golf tour players were still a few points away.
James statistics proved he was determined to stay at the top with a mammoth 218 plays and a fastest time of 32 seconds and 5 aces in a row!
Having achieved this feat only 3 days into the competition and holding on for the remaining days of November – we applaud your excellence at Micro Putt!

The next 4 prizes were awarded in a tie for 2nd place at an equally admirable score of 2,867 points. Those prizes were awarded to:
Richard ‘Squire’ Gottfried with 118 plays, Laurence Wicks with 143 plays, Seth Thomas and Stu Bowker who made an impressive last minute dash on the last day of the competition to improve his previous score of 2,858, reaching the top 5 as the competition almost was closing!
Not forgetting to mention the fastest time amongst the remaining 4 scorers was again a tie between Richard ‘Squire’ Gottfried and Laurence Wicks with a super close 33 seconds.
A very big thanks for the interest and support to the Micro Putt game and for all of you that were a good sport for taking part. Just shows that those of a competitive nature will pull out all the stops to get a win!
My best score was an embarrassing 2,551 points, but with 4 professional mini golfers in the ranks, I suppose I should expect nothing less and get practising!
Don’t forget to check the Putterfingers Website for more competitions soon!