Festivities for Father’s Day – Putterfingers to the rescue (again!)


For many men, Father’s Day and golf go together like fish and chips. A day at the golf course is not always what you might have planned for the Dad, stepdad and Grandad’s in your life. So what better way to celebrate the day with the dad in your life than with mini golf. Mini golf is a great compromise to whet the appetite of golf lovers and get the whole family involved.

Now, you could go to an outdoor crazy golf course, but I will take an educated guess that ’twill be busy. Why not stay putt instead and organise a mini-golf tournament at home.  Our delightfully fun Putterfingers mini golf courses come in a range of sizes (we even have one called “Funsize”!), are suitable for indoors and outdoors and are really easy to put together. And, should you wish to go above and beyond by getting dear old dad some great mini golf gifts, we have gifts galore available as well!


Putterfingers top tips for Father’s Day

#1     First and foremost, we have let go of many rigid constrictions, and it is more than fair to celebrate Father’s Day for a gentleman who is not necessarily a father as per the “official” definition of being a biological parent. Any person who acts like a father can be honoured on Father’s Day. In fact, there are now cards for stepfathers and honorary dads, which, in my humble opinion, is great since there are people who certainly deserve to be celebrated for acting like a dad.

#2     Second, check out our website to read a bit more about which Putterfingers mini-golf course would be best for your Father’s Day festivities, then pick up the phone and call us pronto (you can email us as well, but sometimes phone calls are quicker) in order to book (or buy!) a course.


In a nutshell, we have:
• Supersize is a 9-hole course with 36 tiles and plenty of balls and putters to keep a sizeable crowd entertained.
• Funsize is a bit smaller but still a full 9-hole course, but for medium-sized events.
• Bitesize is a 4-hole course that can fit in an indoor space to create a small mini golf course, but with plenty of fun built in!

#3     Third, have a quick think about food and drink. Perhaps some pre-made nibbles? Or, follow the North American trend of a potluck? Or possibly throw things on the grill for an easy BBQ? Regardless of your choice, make sure that the father of the hour has one of his favourite things on the menu, and, most importantly, his drink of choice. And if that drink happens to be a very expensive bottle of whatever, then, ummm, hmmm, uh…well, you will have to sort that out since I cannot have an answer for everything.

BBQ food


#4     Fourth, back to our website to check out some gifts. We have Gifts under £10, Training Aids, and For Serious Golfers, but feel free to poke around and peruse it a bit as you never know what might else strike your fancy. Whether you wish to gift dad with some trick balls, a funny animal head cover, a fancy putting mat, and/or a snazzy all weather golf glove, we have it all and more. The only job you have to do is choose that special Father’s Day golf gift.

Golf gifts under £10

So, although my blog is rather late, I have done all the hard work and given you four – count them, only four – little tasks to ensure you have a wonderful day celebrating your dad. You are welcome.

A sigh of relief. The garden is well on its way, and I have given sage advice. All is well in the world again.

Happy Father’s Day!!!

Contact Puttterfingers:

Email: office@connectedshopping.com
Tel: 08450 570 321

PS Not that I am looking forward to autumn quite yet, as we are still enjoying spring, and about to enjoy summer, BUT the 21st of September is International Miniature Golf Day, so do make certain to mark your calendars.

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