Tips on Designing a Mini Golf Course

Have you ever wondered how you begin to design a mini golf course?

Well, we reckon the first place to start is to go and play a lot of mini golf and call it ‘research’. Take note of the mini golf course design aspects of the course, the way that the ground goes up and down, the angles of the corners, the unique elements that make mini golf fun.

You might want to think about a theme for your mini golf designs, a lot of courses these days have moved away from the traditional mini golf course designs using windmills and now go for full on themes, such as glow in the dark themes, jungle, pirates or dinosaurs.

It’s not all about being creative though.  All of the holes that you design also need to be playable – and that means that it is physically possible for someone to score a hole in one. You’ll need to think about the angles of corners and the gradient of slopes versus the weight of the ball and the force needed to hit it into the hole. So you’ll definitely need to get your maths head on too.

Also a challenging course will bring the players back for more time and time again!  Maybe a not quite as different as this ‘build you own’ style mini golf hole:

Mini Golf Course Design. Build you own mini golf course
A variation on a Mini Golf Course Design          Credit:

It’s important that you remember to mix things up a little bit with some easier and some harder holes, remember that not everyone is a golfing expert and a lot of people who play mini golf are families, so you don’t want the kids too upset that they can’t do it.

On a  well designed mini golf course a player usually gets rewarded for a good putt and not overly penalised on a poor putt. Bottlenecking as the hole is too difficult makes other players waiting behind frustrated as much as the player actually playing the hole.

What elements do you think make a good mini golf course design?

The good news is that with our modular course building equipment, it is possible to experiment to your heart’s content and build a huge range of different course designs. Interlocking astro grass tiles and My Minigolf obstacles mean that there is virtually no limit to the different layouts that can be achieved. You can buy all the gear you’ll ever need here!

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