It has been both a typical and untypical half term week, spoilt with an extended Bank Holiday weekend to celebrate the Jubilee and then full of rain to dampen my lively spirits for crazy golf on Selfridges roof top due to a long lasting downpour.
My two children were very excited as last Saturday we received these:

Our tee off time yesterday was 3pm at the Bompas and Parr cake inspired crazy golf course as part of the Selfridges Big Rooftop Tea and Golf Party. We made our way to London and fought bravely on a wet and accident filled M25 with knowledge of a wet forecast for the duration of our London visit. We decided after braving the tube and copious amounts of water to give the Crazy Golf a miss – even I was not crazy enough about crazy golf to get saturated during the round, so we decided to give it a miss (I am hoping my kids will forgive me!)
But rain in half-term week makes this very typical………..having spent many a holiday getting drenched!
At a local event the second day of the Suffolk Show is cancelled because of bad weather as East Anglia is threatened with gale force 9 winds from lunchtime and the show organiser chose to cancel the show and he said:
if marquees or flags broke free there was “ a very real chance someone could’ve been killed and we will not take that chance”.
So for all our golfing friends and local friends that were due to exhibit here, take care – it looks like it will be a windy night in Suffolk!
And for the Crazy Golf on Selfridges rooftop – I will be back for cake and putting through cake inspired obstacles another time!