This post is by guest blogger Jordan Fuller, a passionate golf enthusiast and coach from Omaha, Nebraska and owner of golfinfluence.com. Here, Jordan leaves no doubt as to why every family should own a minigolf course!
For a parent who is considering doing something significant to bring together their family, owning a mini-golf course offers a wide array of terrific and exciting benefits to every family member.
Being the owner of a mini-golf can create situations for parents to teach their children about work ethic while having fun. Children can also take advantage of the facility by using their creativity to put their own flair on the design of the layout.
With an assortment of positive reasons to choose from, I’ve decided to highlight four of our favorite ideas below as to why we think owning a mini-golf will make you and your entire family happier.
A Sport Built on Creativity
Whether you decide to build your own mini-golf or redesign an existing layout, making the place your own can give the entire family a tremendous sense of pride. Taking this step is vitally important for all involved, because without each member “buying-in” to the overall idea of the mini-golf, then you’ll never have full engagement.
So how do you get everyone there? By creating an environment where all ideas are welcome, and each member gets the opportunity to put their personality into the creation of the course. This opportunity begins with the look and feel of the mini-golf.
Not only can creating a new look (ie for example in a separate room) for the establishment bring a family together with one common goal in mind, but it can also be used to engage the imagination of each parent and child. From adding unique flourishes to allowing the children to create their own obstacles for a hole, allowing creativity to carry the construction of the mini-golf course is the only sure-fire way to receive total acceptance of the family.
And once everyone’s ideas are put in place, the look on each family member’s face when their vision comes to life is something that can’t be replicated any other way. Once you see your child’s excitement because they created something that the entire family will grow to enjoy, you’ll know all the struggles are worth it in the end.
Happiness to Others
The incredible attraction of mini-golf is that you don’t need to have years of golfing experience to enjoy the sport. At any time, golfers of any skill level (including women who may disregard regular golf) can make a hole-in-one or create a memory with friends and family that lasts throughout a lifetime. Perfect for dates or a birthday party, mini-golf allows players to enjoy their day in a relaxing and non-stressful environment.
A huge reason why owning a mini-golf center is excellent for a family is because of the lesson it teaches each member about the importance of giving to others. By providing a comfortable haven, a family can create a place for individuals seeking to forget their busy lives and just spend quality time with the people that are most important to them (ie. their loved ones).
By creating an establishment that captivates people of all ages through a fun and exciting activity, you are providing joy into countless lives. Imagine waking up in a house where people are always smiling, and happy will have a residual effect on the entire family. This creation of joy for others is a huge reason why owning a mini-golf can be so enriching to parents and their children alike.
Raising Your Family in a Safe Environment
Every parent wants their child to be safe throughout their school years. Having a mini-golf directly in the house will assure that they’ll have a secure after-school location to learn & work while having fun.
Mini-golf courses don’t need a considerable amount of maintenance. Sure, it is essential to keep it clean and make sure that everybody are having a great time, but the calm atmosphere allows parents to interact with their children while working full time jobs.
By owning a mini-golf, parents don’t have to send their children to after-school care or worry that they are causing mischief. Instead, they’ll have the peace of mind that their children are nearby.
As you can see, by creating a healthy environment where the child feels responsibility without feeling smothered, you will add tremendous amounts of enjoyment to your collective lives.
Lessons Learned By Your Children
Finally, it is easy to argue that children benefit the most from their parents buying them a mini-golf course. As they grow up under the umbrella of their family, there are a host of lessons that children can learn from.
Self-reliance is a terrific skill that parents can pass down to their children. Whether it be during a break from classes in the summer or after school, by creating a routine of chores for your children, you’ll discover them rising to the challenge if the tasks engage them creatively. Having them understand the value of money and the use of efficient resources will make a huge difference in their upbringing. By creating this work ethic standard for them, you’ll soon see that your children will adopt this lifestyle as the way they should hold themselves when playing the mini-golf.
Perhaps most important of all, by showing them the values mini-golf players care about, your children will pursue careers of their own that give back to society and create overwhelming joy. A childhood built around happiness allows children to blossom into an adult that spreads love to the world.
As your family matures and grows over the years, having the mini-golf will present each member with memories that will carry them throughout their lives. Whether it be working with you or discovering their own dreams for their future, finding a nurturing and fulfilling location for your children can build a foundation for the skills they’ll need to pursue their own careers.
When you dive into these four reasons, I am confident that you’ll discover even more advantages to owning a mini-golf that will benefit your family on a financial, personal, and developmental level.